Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Applied Environmental Management

Soon I will be starting a Diploma in Applied Environmental Management at Ryde TAFE, with the aim of being employed by a local council or an environmentally focused organisation.

My plan is to contribute, facilitate and lead their programs in various sustainable programs such as bush conservation, waste management, water management and energy management. I see this is as implementing permaculture in a business environment.

I've selected a fulltime schedule which is 12-15 hours per week for 72 weeks. This will definitely keep me engaged over the next 2 years.

First semester in 2012 includes:
  • Contribute to environmental decision making - 9 weeks
  • Implement principles and practices of ecologically sustainable development - 9 weeks
  • Map, interpret and communicate features of the natural landscape using various media - 18 weeks
  • Collect and evaluate local catchment area data - 18 weeks
I'll be aiming to incorporate my studies into my worklife and volunteer activites as much as possible. The future is unknown, but I definitely will continue my community focused projects at the Addison Road Garden, worm farming, teaching, facilitating and the recently invigorated Sydney Permablitz crew as a designer and facilitator.

So look out 2012, here I come.